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Recirculating water industry upstart - phosphorus - free scale
Time:2021-07-08 09:39:47
Article release:Admin
Original author:Unknown

Recirculating water industry upstart - phosphorus - free scale and corrosion inhibitor

At present, the research field of market development prospect and competitiveness is phosphorus-free organic corrosion inhibitor. People try to develop new corrosion inhibitor with good performance, cheap, non-toxic and pollution-free. Due to the cost, dosage, technical problems and other factors, the cooling system is rarely used, and the variety is mixed, and no system has been formed. The research shows that: Without phosphorus corrosion inhibitor is fatty acid copolymer, organic polymer and efficient corrosion inhibitor etc., is a kind of high performance composite inhibitor, with high hardness, high alkalinity, high chlorine root and other bad water quality has better scale and corrosion effect under the condition of low concentration used effectively for the scale caused by ion can be scattered, chelation and lattice distorted, Thus, it can effectively prevent the scaling on the water side of the heat exchange equipment, and is extremely effective in inhibiting the corrosion of copper and copper alloy. Long-term use can also make the old scale soft and gradually dissolve, which has a significant effect on improving the heat exchange efficiency of the equipment, prolonging the service life of the equipment and ensuring the normal production for a long time. Phosphorus free corrosion inhibitor does not contain any form of phosphorus, the product and its final products are non-toxic and harmless, will not cause pollution to water, green environmental protection.

Properties of phosphorus-free corrosion inhibitor

1, does not contain any phosphate, is a completely new type of green environmental protection products.

2, corrosion and scale inhibition performance is equivalent to phosphine formula, has good scale and corrosion inhibition performance.

3, because the agent does not contain phosphorus, so the use process does not produce the harm of calcium phosphate scale often occurs in the phosphorus system agent.

4. It should be used in conjunction with the automatic dosing detection system.

5, The product is suitable for the circulating cooling water system of chemical, petrochemical, electric power, steel and other enterprises.

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